Monday, April 11, 2016

Million Vaginas, HI and Thank You!

 YAY!!!!!  My blog was re tweeted.  I think that this is the first time that I have been re tweeted on my political blog.  The blog was about my initial feelings on the restrictions on the Abortion law signed by Mike Pence.  I applaud Governor Pence for taking the gauntlet and signing his name to a law that he morally believed in.  He signed a law that will either help in his re-election or it will make him a four term governor only.  We need leaders of any political party to be honest living a life as a leader that is from their hearts.  For example, I may not agree with Senator Bernie Sanders, but he has said that he is a socialist.  I applaud him for it because President Obama is still trying to convince the country that he actually cares about the constitution.  He loves his pen and his phone in order to sign executive orders.  Which leader would you rather have?  The leader who does his best to pull the wool over our eyes of the governor that votes his morality and ethics.  My choice would be the leader that will not worry about his re-election, but will sign his name to a law that he feels morally doesn’t contradict his soul.  Glenn Beck ask those politicians he interviews, “How is your soul?”  I feel that we know the soul of Mike Pence.  He doesn’t go with the popular crowd just to have a political gain, yet he will sign a law that he believes is the right thing to do for those who are not yet born to have a voice.  What does this have to do with the group Million Vaginas? 
            The group Million Vaginas re-tweeted my blog regarding the restrictions on abortions because the child has Down syndrome, disability or any other special needs.  The law also includes that women have restrictions including sex, race or nationality of the child.  Why did the group re-tweet?  My assumption is that I disagree with their “I am woman hear me roar” mantra.  I agree with the mantra, but then my mantra includes, “I am woman hear me roar because I believe in God, my husband is the head of the household, women should own guns, staying at home is ok and at my age I will not abort my child should I get pregnant.”  Or “I am a God fearing, Jesus loving, gun toting, tea party sympathizer, Libertarian.”  I agree, “I am woman hear me roar.”  YAY!!!! 
            If you do not know who Million Vaginas are here is there mission statement from their website.
“To encourage and inspire women from all over America, all ages, all beliefs, all kinds of lives and experiences from all 50 states, and the friends and family that love and cherish them, to come together and stop allowing our most personal decisions to be fodder for the Neo-Con political hash mill. Our lives are not their moral crises, our choices are not their ethical lapses.

If you think you’re too small to make an impact, remember how annoying it is to try and sleep with a mosquito in your bedroom. We took back the night, now it’s time to take back control over our reproductive destiny.  One person can take a stand, one million individuals is a force to be reckoned with. Be heard!”
I do not think that they will be calling this God fearing, stay at home mom, gun toting mama anytime soon.  They accept all women?  I don’t think that they would accept me.  Why? Because I am a conservative woman that does not believe that abortion is the answer because you couldn’t find it in yourself to close your legs or use BIRTH CONTROL.  Have a good evening.  I was re-tweeted.  YAY ME!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Abortion law in Indiana

     The talk in Indiana especially with women regarding the law that Mike Pence signed a month ago.   This law highlights Abortion restrictions here in the state of Indiana.  The restrictions according to is as follows, a woman can not have an abortion if the child is faced with the diagnosis of Down Syndrome.  The other restrictions are that a woman can not get an abortion in accordance with race, nationality or sex of the child.  I honestly being a woman myself have nothing wrong with this bill.  
     My thoughts and belief on the subject has changed over the years.  I was pro-choice when I voted for primarily democrat liberal leaning leaders in both state and national elections.  I believed that a woman if she were in the first trimester of pregnancy could get an abortion, but in that second trimester termination of the pregnancy should not be allowed nationally or by the state.  I also believed that a sixteen year old child should have written and accompanied by a parent or guardian. This in my eyes was perfectly reasonable and something both liberal and conservative citizens could agree on.  In the last few years as my relationship with God changed with seeking a all encompassing relationship with God and allowing him to be first place my positions both spiritually and politically began to change.  I began to ask myself "what if " questions.  " What if I knew my son would be autistic?"  "Would I end my pregnancy because he is Autistic?"  My answer was a definite, " No!" Yes things have been challenging as a mom of a child with special needs.  I would not want my son to change anything about him.  I love his mannerism, he is my first son and child and I love who he has become.  He is a historically funny kid.  If I were asked, " What if he had Downs Syndrome?" My answer would be the same as the first.  
     These special needs are not a death sentences and I am a offended by groups such as, "Periods for Pence" who call the Governor with their reports on how well their periods are doing that week or day.     This organization is disgusting.  Mike Pence does not care about your menstrual cycle.  Governor Pence cares that a baby with Down Syndrome can be so easily cast aside because people are too lazy to cross their legs or use birth control.  I know it is easy for me to say then practice.  It really is just that easy.
     I didn't have children until I was married and I had enough sense to know that I was too old to have children when I met the love of my life, Barry, and married the second time.  I have four amazing kids and the thought that I could have made a choice years ago because I would have missed out on all the fun does not enter my mind.  These children are from God.  

Please think twice before making a life altering decision.  There are people who would love to adopt and there are ways to help you be the parent that you were meant to be.  God doesn't make mistakes.  He makes angels. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Mom's Rant

     I love the idea of having a big family with me, all four of the kids, Barry and the extra family members.  Then there are the moments where A family member thinks that one kid is more special than the others.  As a mom of a special needs kid and a mom that has watched her child struggle through the anger, not being able to express ideas or learning the same topics as other classmates or brother and sister. When I listen to a woman who doesn't have children tell me that of all the kids only one is going to really make it life it stays on my brain for awhile. 
     My son, William, has made great strides.  No, his grades are not perfect, but he goes to school with no trouble.  My son at two years old was not talking and throwing fits because he couldn't communicate.  When he was in the elementary years he had a hard time after 1rst grade because of the divorce.  There are things he just doesn't want to do because he rather play video games, watch marvel movies and hang with mom.  Although, I want him to have friends and play outside he is just fine with the kids at church and his brothers and sister being his friends.  If he is happy I am happy.  He wants to learn to be a director of movies or deal with special effects.  This may change within the next couple of years, but I am confident (yes there are concerns) that he will succeed.  People's ignorance always amazes me.  Autism is not a death sentence.   

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Progressive Millennial

     The Progressive Millennial apparently goes to Ivy Tech.  He is about 20, years old and has a condescending tone.  When I was asked by this student if I worship Reagan I was apparently stunned by the question.  I was stunned by the question because I knew the answer in my head.  NO.  I do not worship Reagan.  I was five when he became President.  I only know a few sound bites about the man.  I know he had a friendship with Gorbachev, his wife had a "Just say no" program that I had to sit through during school assemblies and he bombed Libya and after that I had not heard anything since the attack on Benghazi.  All things I respected about President Reagan.  I am a conservative.  I do not worship anyone other than God.  
     I explained my stance of who I was as a conservative.  I am a conservative.  I am 41, years old, a mom, husband, daughter and friend.  I believe in Jesus.  I am for smaller government and I am pro-life.  I do not buy into the idea of because you do not want the baby that it is something of a burden.  There are people out there that would be proud to give a child a home. I have a friend of mine that is also a fellow blogger who went clear across the world because God was calling her to adopt a child from Serbia.  This is love.  Love is obeying what the Holy Spirit is telling you to do.  Yes its a feeling but it is more of an action and a show of faith.  These are my beliefs as a conservative.  My faith does not make me perfect it makes me forgiven.  I am forgiven, but I am not perfect.  
     This young man had a perception of me that I honestly didn't help to dismantle by my use of language.  Yes, I am angry.  I am angry because when I debate someone who is 20 years my junior felt the need to compare me with the Trump supporters that are over the top because of their anger.  I really hate to say it, but I get the anger.  When the Progressive Millennial who is not an American and wants to leave lecturing me about my conservatism with anger and hate then I become defensive and angry as well.  There will never be a moment that I forget the looks that I see when people look at me with disgust because of my NRA MOM bumper sticker.  I do not forget the moments when my children were brought into a conversation online with malice towards me.  I do not forget reading how Dana Loesch and children were threatened.  The hate will end this country.  The Progressive Millennial will be the down fall of this country because their inability to get along in this world without a handout or a feel good government policy to get them through life has been manifested into the Bernie or Trump supporter.  I get the Trump supporter.  There is a better way to channel the angry of the country's downfall.

May God be with the candidates of both sides.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Matching the Physical and Spiritual

The past year has been an amazing journey both physically and spiritually for both me and my family.  My one regret is that it has centered on my chronic pain.  I know that my husband made camping trips, family outings and everyday life as comfortable as possible for me.  It was all because my hip hurt to the point that sitting down for dinner, walking or even lying down to go to bed was tough to handle.  My husband made all of this endurable.  It is by the grace of God he did not go crazy.  When I say grace I mean that it was grace that eventually on June 9th, my hip was replaced and life was changed.  My life was completely dependent on my level of pain.  It was not the life that I want to live with my new family.  Almost a year into this new life I am pain free and two semesters away from being a college graduate.  There is one caveat that has plagued me for the last twenty years. 

I am not at the weight that I should be at this moment in life.  My breaking point is that I feel the pain again.  It is probably the fact that I have osteoarthritis and the rain does not help with my condition.  I can do something to help.  I can lose weight.  Of course, this includes putting into practice the two lifestyle changes that Americans seem to hate.  First of all, my diet needs to change with a low calorie diet along with portion control.  No, I am not going to deny myself the foods that I love, but they will be more of a treat than a daily consumption.  Secondly, I really need to exercise and be able to move as I grow older, so that I can enjoy my future grandchildren.  What will I do this morning?

This morning I will spend time reading my Bible, walk the mall and I have already had a bowl of oatmeal.  I need to drink more water and stay away from sodas.  Also, I need to find substitutes for the foods that bring a form a comfort to me.  Please take this journey with me.  Let us take this life God has given us and do better physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesdays in 2016

It is another Tuesday in America.  This year in 2016, we Americans are being bombarded by debates.  On this particular Tuesday is yet another group of primaries.  There seems to be a small minority who may care about this process.  I guess I can't say a small minority because Trump supporters seem to be just following instead of actually looking long and hard at the candidate of their dreams. 
     Although, I disagree with them I understand the anger that persist in America today.  The choice of who they are calling a conservative seems odd.  Trump brings to the table years of financially supporting Democrats such as, Hillary Clinton for his own gain.  He supports single payer healthcare and is a big supporter of the healthcare mandate.  The same mandate that says if you don't have healthcare you have to pay for it at tax time.  Barry and I had to pay $500, so we have felt this burden.  We are not fans. There has to be a better candidate.  In my eyes there is in the name of Ted Cruz. 
     Ted Cruz is my guy because he has been consistent since his Senate race in Texas.  I love his 10% across the board tax rate.  All of this being said if Ted Cruz is not nominated I will not support Trump.  I will vote Libertarian.  Does this mean a Hillary Presidency?  Yes, I can't vote for someone I don't believe in and I will as I did with Obama in 2012,  I wish her well.  I will pray for her safety and the safety of her family.  Cruz has my support until such a scenario takes place.

Monday, January 4, 2016

God, Love and Apple Crisp

     My husband works very hard for his family.  Why is this not good enough?  We have a apartment that cost us over $1000/month, a car payment and four children in school.  We realistically can not pay for book rental.  Our Christmas was full of fun, family and faith.  It is our goal to make the holiday season about two things God and family.  We had to swallow our anger watching a family post pictures of the thousand dollars of gifts given to one child, parents getting new weapons and finding out that at tax time a AR-15 is in their future as well.  Barry and I are considered middle class with in the economic structure of this country and live as if we are poor.  We are blessed to send our children to one of the best school systems in the state.  We have been here for three years and each year the schools get an A rating.  The family that has bragged about the things they received and will receive are on food stamps, Medicaid and welfare in general.  Why should I go to school?  Why should my husband stress about taking care of his family?  Why?  Well it becomes a faith thing for us.  Because our reward is looking at our children who are grateful for what they do have and not what the potential could be.  We were not focused on the show of how wonderful we are by the things that we received.  We are focused on each other with love.  Yes, I am bragging too.  I am bragging because my husband is a hard worker who loves me and his children. The children who are mine from a previous marriage he has chosen to love as his own.  God adopted us and Barry has adopted a son and daughter.  We set a budget and stuck to the budget and no one was left wanting for things.  The morning of Christmas brought three important aspects to the holiday.  They were God, Love and apple crisp.  Things will go away.  God and love of family will stay forever.